To add Hora Token to either BNB Smart Chain or Polygon network, you will first need to add them as networks on MetaMask, as it’s set to the Ethereum network by default. In this article, we will focus on how to add Hora Token to the Polygon network, but we will also provide info on how to add Hora Token to the BNB Smart Chain.
Polygon network
To do that, open the MetaMask app and unlock your wallet.
[1] Tap on ‘Ethereum Main Network’ to switch between networks or add new networks.
[2] Tap on ‘Add Network’
[3] Find ‘Polygon Mainnet’ and tap on ‘Add’ next to it
[4] Make sure the info is the same as in the screenshot and tap ‘Approve’
[5] Switch to Polygon Mainnet network by tapping ‘Switch to network’
[6] To add Hora Token tap on ‘Import tokens’
[7] Go to the ‘Custom Token’ section at the top and enter the following information:
Token Address: 0x60b4C9390bb3eAa726Bdae2CAE412efE3b2a9C31
Token Symbol: HORA
Token Decimal: 6
After you’ve properly input all information, tap ‘Import’.
[8] That’s it! You’ve successfully added Hora Token to your Polygon network portfolio.
BNB Smart Chain
The process for BNB Smart Chain is the same, with variations in step 3, where you need to add the BNB Smart Chain network, and step 7, where you need to enter the following information:
Token Address: 0x64e21979539e7862d6e947cdc956c2570D5219Ef
Token Symbol: HORA
Token Decimal: 6
For those who use Trust Wallet, you can find all necessary info for adding custom tokens here.
Hi, ok I did everything correctly, how do you convert it to $ and what are the conversations/how to? I'm sorry, I'm still new to this and still learning as much as I can.
نريد حل اما ان تسحبو لنا مستحقاتنا اما حذف هذي اللعبه.لتكن عندكم مصداقيه .
Extremely confusing shit here
Ya lo hice pero sale q no le encuentran tasa de conversión
I agree I just try and didn't work and I was following the instruction on how to do it.this is confusing as he'll!!!
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