What sort of achievements are there?
- Get total net worth of X - Once you reach a X amount net-worth in the current building, you'll unlock this achievement
- Unlock X buildings - Once you unlock an X amount of buildings, the achievement's passed.
- Buy X rigs - Once you unlock an X amount of rigs.
- Get X Super Managers - Once you unlock an X amount of super managers.
- Unlock X currencies - Once you unlock an X amount of currencies.
- Collect X airdrops - Once you collect an X amount of airdrop rewards.
- Earn X money with coin pump - Once you earn an X amount of building cash from currency pump mini-game.
- Reach through X daily rewards - Once you collect an X amount of daily rewards.
- Reach X account level - Once you reach a X level number.
- Upgrade your rigs to the total of X levels - Once you upgrade all of your rigs in a total number of X levels.
- Upgrade your infrastructure to the total of X levels - Once you upgrade your infrastructure in a total number of X levels.
- Upgrade your traders to the total of X levels - Once you upgrade your traders in a total number of X levels.
- Reach level X on a single rig - Once you reach level X on a single rig.
- Reach level X on your infrastructure - Once you reach level X on your infrastructure.
- Reach level X with traders - Once you reach level X with traders.
- Activate trading/mining booster X times - Once you activate trading and mining booster X times.
- Collect X idle cash - Once you collect an X amount of building cash from idle cash.
- Research X skills in the research lab - Once you reach an X amount of discovered skills.
- Mine X of any currency - Once you mine X of any currency.
- Trade X of any currency - Once you trade X of any currency.
- Do X prestiges - Once you prestige an X amount of times.
- Like/follow us on X networks - Once you like or follow us on X amount of our social platforms.
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